Understanding The Causes Of Dark Lips And Natural Remedies For Pink Lips

Feeling self-conscious about your dark lips? Whether it is caused by smoking too much sun or your genes. You can achieve naturally pink lips. By knowing what causes your dark lips and exploring successful treatments, you can have a perfect set of lips for your face, improving your look and confidence through our skincare and beauty section.

What Causes Of Dark Lips


Because of nicotine and tar, dark lips are one of the many side effects of addiction to cigarettes. Long-term application of such lipstick and developing one’s lips with the same colours have a negative impact on the lip’s colour thus making them darker. Smoking is particularly notorious, as nicotine reduces the blood vessels; thus, blood stops flowing to the lips, which could be why they look darker. This happens when the skin and lips are exposed to the heat from tobacco smoke that causes damage hence making them look darker. 

Your lips will stay darker-free if you quit smoking.  The right way is the problem. Stopping smoking will enable the body to be able to start improving the harm that smoking is after, such as darkening the lips. It can be a bit of a wait until the lips get the natural colour back, but as time goes by, they might just get a tiny colour off. All-natural lip products like lemon juice, honey,  and olive oil can help lighten the darkened color of lips and bring them to their original form. 

Sun Exposure

UV rays of the sun can generate a brownish colour in your lips due to the fact that it is easily exposed to heat whereas your lips have thin skin which is sensitive to heat. In the sun your lips can become as dark as the rest of your skin when you neglect occasionally enough sunscreen to provide protection from the sun’s rays. The use of a lip product that is SPF told is recommended for us while performing daily and routine activities.  The use of these products can protect our lips from getting darkened. However, the protection of your lips from the harsh sun-beam with either lip balm or brimmed hats will always be quite useful for you. All the same, honey or lemon can be used for those who already have a tan to retrain the lips a little. 

Allergic Reactions

The lips may take on an oedema at their centre and become red and dark due to a lip product or a few foods that many people have an allergy to. Being allergic to some dye and scent chemicals and colours is a popular cause of lip cream reactions. It is recommended to avoid goods which may contain these allergens and test to see if the new products are patch-safe before use. If using the drug makes you have a resistant reaction you should stop using it immediately and visit the doctor for the right treatment. 

Certain Medications

n some cases, drugs intended for the treatment of antipsychotics or drugs against cancer lead to facial side effects like lips coming out as lipoma. Hence, the darkness will not cause a prolonged and harmful visual impairment and is going to disappear along with the normalised medicine course. However, a medical doctor/nurse who has the opportunity to look into the case should probably take care of the issue of discontinuing the medication if someone wants to stop taking it. Since there may be a risk that other medicines might also affect your lips, please consult your doctor about any other medicines you are using or other treatments and see whether there are any other possible influences on your lips.


When your lips do not have sufficient water, they may look darker than other body features, dry and cracked. When the body does not get enough water, it shows through the face, where the lips and other aspects of the face appear to be duller. Sufficient water drinking throughout the day will help you maintain a moist lip residue that keeps it from being dark and dry. Getting on with balms that are rich in humidity ingredients like coconut oil or shea butter can also be a solution that you want to try.  It is a way to have moisturised lips and have them averted from turning dark from the low amount of water they receive. 

Iron Deficiency

A person at risk of anaemia and iron-deficiency anaemia is likely to have a higher iron level consumed than what his or her body needs.  Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet is highly important in this case. This can be correctly identified by lips being deprived of blood due to scarcity of red blood cells.  It shows a pale or blue colour. Concerning pregnancy, the body tends to borrow more iron than it normally uses, so iron supplements or iron-rich foods are the most likely strategies towards anaemia control. With such an action as the levels of iron reduction, the lips would somewhat return to their natural state or even become more colourful. 

Causes Of Dark Lips

Lemon Juice 

Lemon juice’s citric acid, which is responsible for the whitewashing of teeth, is a naturally occurring substance. Reduce the level of acidity in the lips, giving it a faded colour that appears light and pinker as time goes by. However, fresh lemon acts as lemon juice, which dries your lips up; therefore, it is highly advisable to get rid of the dryness. Just a cotton wool pad can be used to get this natural remedy on your lips, or you can add Honey to come up with extra moisture. 


Besides that, honey is very good for dry skin, and it removes colors from clothes which are in light tones. This has a dual purpose of softening the lips and having the effect of making them lighter by shade. Spread a little quantity of honey on your lips over there and keep it for 15-20 minutes to be effective. Then baking powder paste onto the affected area and finally wash them off with warm water. Please do this daily to really see a difference. 

Almond Oil 

In addition to the high portions of vitamins E and B, almond oils are effective fluoridators that remove dark spots on the lips and moisturise them. However, almond oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can calm any red and soar that could be there on the lips. Before you go to bed, add a drop of almond oil to your lips and massage evenly. It is best used with the setting of the timer to get the maximum utilisation, that is, overnight. 


The real component in beetroot is naturally has whitening agents that can bleaching the black of the lips. Example: Last night I put the pulp out of my beet and applied cotton ball directly to my lips. After applying the product on your skin, let it stay on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Make this a part of your daily routine throughout the year.


There is one exotic method where you can use pomegranate seeds, as they contain natural enzymes that can help you clean the lips. In addition, it can remove the dead cells too, and you can have lighter and pinker lips. You need to crush the seeds and place them on the lips. Leave it for about 10 minutes and rinse it off with warm water. You may continue doing this every day for the best effects.


Cucumber is the coolest and most moisturising ingredient ever. Lighten your dark lips with a cucumber remedy by rubbing a slice of cucumber on your lips every day. Just make sure to massage it for a few minutes every day and enjoy the hydrating cucumber juice, which will keep your lips’ moist and lighten them gradually. You will have amazing soft and pinky lips with no adverse effects of chemicals or any tough remedy.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking a lot of water every day is paramount to keeping your lips from darkening. Taking more fluids ensures that the external surface of your lips remains moisturised. And there is a high likelihood that the well-hydrated and prosperous appearance of your lips will constantly be pinkish, just as you like. In this respect, you need to make this tremendous habit a part of your daily life since it is critical to keeping lips looking attractive both in appearance and texture.

Sun Protection 

You can prevent your lips from darkening if you do not want to get affected by the UV. Try using lip products, or you can even use make up items which will contain the SPF and will be protecting your lip from getting affected by the sun.

These practices will help you maintain the lips in their natural colour and they will be healthier. Your lips will become softer and shiny. You can avoid using any other products to overcome the sun instead of lipsticks.

You can also use good lip gloss to overcome the problem.

Homemade Lip Balm

The best way to make lip blam is No1-You can make lip balm at home, which is fun and can also help lighten dark lips; most homemade lip balms are made with natural ingredients that are good for your face and can deeply moisturise. You can try this simple recipe for making your lip balm:


1 tablespoon of beeswax

1 tablespoon shea butter

1 tablespoon coconut oil

5 10 drops of essential oil such as peppermint or lavender for fragrance optional


Soften the shea butter, coconut oil, and beeswax in a double boiler until every little thing is smooth. If you utilise vital oil, take it off the heat and mix it in. Put the liquid into lip balm jars and permit it to cool and solidify. Your homemade property’s balm is organic to use the moment it has solidified.

If you have very or cracked lips, utilise pieces of balm. They’ll block the wetness in beeswax and coconut oil, and shea butter will recover and smoothen your lips. Utilising this home made homemade lip balm day-to-day will certainly assist in lightening darker lips and restore your all-natural pink shade.


Florence Delisy is a dedicated skincare and beauty expert with extensive industry experience. Certified in skincare and cosmetology from University of the Arts London, she specializes in personalized skincare routines, anti-aging treatments, and beauty consultations. Florence is committed to helping clients achieve healthy, radiant skin through tailored solutions and education on effective skincare practices.

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